Jumaat, 6 Februari 2009

Cananga odorata (Lamk) Hook.F. & Thomson

Cananga odorata (Lamk) Hook.F. & Thomson


In Southest Asian origin, Cananga odorata, commonly known as ylang-ylang, is a medium –size tree that has been introduce into many islands in the Pacific for its fragrant flowers. This species is often found growing spontaneously in secondary forests and agro forests, where it regenerates easily. It is also a common garden ornamental. In Madagascar and the Comoro Islands, ylang-ylang is value as the source for ylang-ylang oil, which figures prominently in the perfume industry and aromatherapy. In Indonesia, this species is a component of mixed and teak forests.It is a commonly planted and spontaneous tree in secondary forests and agro forests in Micronesia and Polynesia.


Kingdom : Plantae
Order: Magnoliales
Family : Annonaceae (Custard-apple family)
Genus: Cananga
Spesies : Cananga odorata
Vernacular name:
canang odorant (French), chirang, irang (Palau), derangerang, derangirang (Nauru), ilahnglahng, ilanlang (Kosrae), ilang-ilang, alang-ilang (Guam, CNMI), ilangilang, lengileng, alangilang, pur-n-wai, pwurenwai, seir en wei (Pohnpei), ilanilan(Marshall Islands), lanalana (Hawai), makosoi, mokohoi, makasui, mokosoi (Fiji), mohokoi (Tonga), moso’oi (Samoa), moto’i (French Polynesia), moto’oi, mata’oi, mato’oi (Cook Islands, Niue, Tahiti) motoi( marquesas-Nukuhiya, Niue), sa’o (Solomon Islands), ylang-ylang, perfume tree, cananga, cadmia (English), apurvachampaka, chettu sampangi, karumugai (India), ilang-ilang, alang-ilang (Philippines), kadatngan, kadatnyan (Myanmar), kernanga (Indonesia), kenanga, chenanga,ylang-ylang (Malaysia).

Non-preffered scientific name :
i) Canangium fruticosum Craib
ii) Canangium odoratum (Lamk) Baill. Ex King
iii) Canangium scortechinii King
iv) Uvaria odorata Lamk


Native range -:

Ylang-ylang is native to Indo-Malaysia and has been widely introduced by Polynesians, Micronesians and early European explorers into many islands in the Pacific, where in some places it has become naturalized.

Current Distribution -:

Grows in a geographical zone ranging from India to Polynesia.



Ylang-ylang is of medium size 10-40m (33-130ft) in height, although rarely over 30m (100ft) and typically 10-20m(33-66ft). Branches are pendulous or slightly erect with drooping, leafy twigs. The tree is usually quite straggly, often with long, leafy twigs dangling 3-6 m (10-20ft). There is a single main trunk that is usually bent to some degree. The bark is smooth and grayish white to silvery.


In flowers throughout the year in axillary, umbellate hanging clusters 0f 4-12 flowers. The flower has three sepals and six petals up to 8 cm (2.4 in) long. The petals are twisted when young, the limps and drooping when mature. Flowers are very fragrant, greenish yellow at first, then turning a deep yellow/yellow brown when mature. Merlin et al. (1993) stated that on Kosrae this plant flowers at the same time as other fruits or nut trees, e.g., breadfruit, pandanus, mango and Tahitian chestnut (Inocarpus fagifer). In Madagascar, the trees flowers year-round, but mainly during the rainy season from November to March.


Leaves are dark green, up to 20 cm(8 in) in length, alternate, simple, entire, elliptic-oblong, slightly pubescent and with a prominent midrib and drip tip. As with most members of this family, the leaves are arranged mainly along a plane.


Greenish black in color, 1.5-2.5 cm(0.6-1.0) in length, containing 6-12 stalked fruitlets, fleshy, olive-like and borne in axillary clusters. There are 6-12, small, pale brown, flattened ovoid seeds in each fruits.



Open, veinlet branching; marginal vein incomplete


Adaxial anticlinal walls sinuous, abaxial anticlinal walls sinuous; stomata paracytic

TS Lamina

Adaxial epidermis 1:1-1:2, abaxial epidermis 1:2, hypodermis nil, palisade 1 layer, spongy mesophyll 4-5 layers of cells, sclereids nil, crystals nil, trichomes nil. Secretory cells not seen.

TS Margin

Slightly pointing downwards, tip rounded, scelerenchyma nil.

TS Midrib

Outline: adaxial surface with small hump, abaxial surface “U” shape. Ground tissue collenchymatous cells adaxially and abaxially. Vascular tissue: open type in separate bundles arranged in ‘V’ shaped; sclerenchyma sheath interrupted; trichomes: simple, unicellular to uniseriate occasionally seen; crystals nil; secretory cells: large cells near phloem tissue.

TS Petiole

Outline: semi-circular in shape with adaxial surface channeled. Outer tissue: collenchyma nil. Vascular tissue : open type, separate bundles laid in an arc; sclerenchyma sheath interrupted on adaxial and abaxial side of bundles; trichomes: simple unicellular to uniseriate ; crystals nil. Secretory cells: some enlarged cells near phloem tissue.



The tree is ornamental, and its very pleasant fragrance makes it appropriate in landscaping. Regular top pruning maybe necessary to keep the tree from growing too tall in an urban setting. The spesies is used as a street tree in Malaysia.


The timber is pinkish, yellowish to light gray, non-durable, and vulnerable to termite attack. The wood is coarse textured and straight grained. In Tonga and Samoa it is used for general construction and canoe making. The timber used for furniture in Cook Islands (Thaman et al. 2000). The wood for is also used for lathe turnings, boxes and crates, clugs/wooden shoes and fishnet floats (Chudnoff 1984).


The wood is occasionally used for fuelwood.


It is a minor wood for tool handles (Thaman et al. 2000)


The bark has very minor use for cordage. In Sulawesi, the bark is beaten to make coarse rope.

Body ornamentation/ garlands

The tree is a very important source of flowers in Micronesia and Polynesia. The very heavily scented flowers are used for garlands, headdresses and other personal adornment.


The primary commercial product is the distilled oil for the perfume industry, much of which is shipped to France. Ylang-ylang oil is said to be the for Chanel and perfume by Guerlain. Ylang-ylang is often used as a scent for coconut oil in the Pacific islands. The special name of potea is reserved for the this scented oil in Tonga. When used in moderation, the oil is an allergen and has been removed from some cosmetics. During the mid-1900s, ylang-ylang oil was used in a popular hair pomade manufactured in Hawai’i. Cananga oil mixed with coconut oil is called Macassar oil and used for hair dressing in Southest Asia.

Ceremonial/ religious important

The tree has minor ceremonial importance. While the plant maybe a recent introduction to Tonga, ylang-ylang (mohokoi) is categorized there as a culturally important or sacred plant (akau kakala), along with other sacred or culturally important indigenous plants.


The bark is used in Tonga and Samoa to treat stomach ailments and sometimes as a laxative. In Java, the dried flowers are used against malaria and the fresh flowers are pounded into a paste to treat asthma. A distillate of the flowers is said to have medicinal value by herbalists and aromatherapists. Aromatherapists claim that oil is useful for depression, distressed breathing, high blood pressure, anxiety, as an aphrodisiac and others. It also used to treat internal heat ,paralysis, pruritis, swellings, jaundice, scabies, ringworm, sores and to ease childbirth as well as in postpartum therapy.

Flavoring/ spices

The distilled oils are sometimes used to flavor beverages and foods.

Constituent of ylang-ylang oil
- Geraniol and linalool esters of acetic and benzoic acids
- p- cresol methyl ester
- Cadinene
- Sesquiterpene
- Phenol
- Pinen
- Benzyl alcohol
- Creosol
- Carcinogenic
- formic acid
- Benzyl acetate

Cytotoxic constituent of the fruits of Cananga odorata

- Guaipyridine sesquiterpene alkaloid

- Eudesmane sesquiterpene

Rabu, 4 Februari 2009

Mesua ferrea L.

Mesua ferrea L.



Kingdom : Plantae

Division : Magnoliopyhta

Class : Magnoliosida

Order: Malpighiales

Family: Clusiaceae/Guttiferae
Genus: Mesua

Spesies: Mesua Ferrea L.

Vernacular name- Ceylon Ironwood, Indian rose chestnut, Cobra’s saffron, Penaga Lilin or Nahar


i) Mesua coromandelina Wight

ii) Mesua nagassarium (Burm.f.) K.

iii) Mesua pedunculata Wight

iv) Mesua roxburghii Wight

v) Mesua sclerophylla T.

vi) Mesua speciosa Choisy


The plant is named after heaviness of its timber and cultivated in tropical climates for its form, foliage and fragrant flowers. Its native to tropical Sri Langka, Assam, southern Nepal, Indochina and Malay Peninsula.


It is a small to medium-sized evergreen tree up to 13 m tall, often buttressed at the base with a trunk up to 90 cm in diameter; it has simple, narrow, oblong, dark green 7-15 long, with a whitish underside; the emerging young leaves are red to yellowish pink and drooping; the flowers are 4-7.5 cm diameter, with four white petals, a centre of numerous yellow stamens and fragrant; the fruits are ovoid, nearly woody; the seeds are dark brown.


- Main venation closed; marginal venation fimbriate.


- Adaxial anticlinal walls wavy to sinuous, abaxial anticlinal walls wavy to sinuous; stomata paracytic.

TS lamina-:

- Adaxial epidermis 1:1-1:2; abaxial epidermis 1:, outer wall conical to rounded, inner wall thicked; hypodermis nil; palisade 1 layer, outer wall thick; spongy mesophyll 7-8 layers; vascular bundles with fibrous girders extending to abaxial and adaxial epidermis; sclereids nil; crystals:solitary, few clustered; secretory glands in mesophyll tissue; trichomes nil.

TS Margin-:

- Outline: curving downwards slightly, tip rounded; sclerenchyma present.

TS Midrib-:

- Outline: adaxial surface and abaxial surface nearly flat. Ground tissue thick-walled cells beneath epidermis. Vascular strand closed type, flattened in shape; sheath: Fibres nearly uninterrupted; trichomes nil; secretory glands in ground tissue; crystals: nil.

TS Petiole-:

- Outline: nearly semi-circular in shape. Outer tissue: collenchymas nil; Vascular tissue; open type, arc shape with incurved ends; sheath: small groups of fibres; trichomes nil, secretory glands in ground tissue; crystals; solitary and clustered in parenchyma and phloem cells.


Chemical content in seed oil

- Resin
- Oleic acid
- Linoleic acid
- Palmitic acid
- Stearic acid


National trees of Sri Lagka. The National Ironwood Forest is a 96ha (238 acre) forest in Sri Langka where Mesua Ferrea trees dominate the vegetation. It is said that during King Dappula IV's period (8th century AD) this forest was created and the remaining trees are the shoots of it. Hence it is considered the oldest manmade forest in Sri Langka. According to botanists this is the only ironwood forest in the dry zone with wet zone vegetation.

It was chosen as The National Tree for seven reasons:

1) It is a tree which originated in Sri Langka
2) Its utility
3) Historic and cultural importance
4) Exterior posture
5) Wide distribution
6) Color and nature
7) Ability to draw and sketch it easily


i) Medicinal values-:

Leaves – applied to the head in the form of a poultice for severe colds.

Oil from the seeds- sores, scabies, wounds and rheumatism.

Roots- an antidote for snake poison.

Dried flowers- bleeding hemorrhoids and dysentery with mucus.
Fresh flowers- excessive thirst, excessive perspiration, cough and digestion.

ii) Economic values-:

· The woods is very heavy and its used for railroad ties and structural timbers.

iii) As an ornamental

iv) Important in ceremonial uses

v) The fragrant stamens may be used for stuffing pillows and for the cushions in bridal beds.

vi) The renewable of seed oil have a tremendous potential for preparation of industrial polyester resin